Times of the Gentiles Outreach

About Us

Welcome to “Times of the Gentiles Outreach” website from Larry and Cyndi Miller. This ministry has been a work in progress for several years now. While a music director for a very small church, I met my wife Cyndi about10 years ago. We worked together for several years at the church doing everything as is the case in most small churches. We developed a wonderful Christian bond working for our Lord in choir, children’s church and VBS. The Lord drew us together and we realized we were two people that the Lord put together for his purpose and for our blessing. We married nine years ago and God has blessed us with a personal and family ministry that has blessed many during these years. There are too many stories to count.

       Cyndi has two adult special needs children. While caring for their needs it puts us in contact other special needs adults at church and in several local special needs groups. Through these contacts are able to touch their lives and the lives of other special needs adults and children.

       If you have never worked with special needs adults you can never understand what it can do for you. We believe that caring for them has blessed us much more than we have blessed them. Cyndi is the assistant teacher in our Special Needs class at our church. She has also led the VBS and children’s department at the church where we met. Our Baptist Association asked her to teach the crafts for VBS training for all the area churches for several years.

       My mom was in an assisted living facility for seven years. The Lord opened the door for us to conduct a Wednesday Night worship service for them now for about six years. We also work wherever we can in our current church ministry. This seems like a lot and it has been.

       With all that said, why start this new outreach and website and add more work? That’s any easy answer. The Lord has given us a new direction and mission. I’ll have to add, we have had to cut back on many activities and focus on the vision and message the Lord has given us.

         Due to having to be full time care takers for my mom until hers passing in 2023, helping  my wife’s parents who no longer drive all while caring for to two adult special needs sons we are now focusing our ministry from home based outreach through my new book, this website and teaching bible studies wherever the Lord leads.

        When I said the Lord has given us a new direction and mission there were no voices or visions or anything of that sort, just the simple moving of the Holy Spirit in my spirit. It all came about after an encounter with a couple during our neighborhood bible study which we hosted in our home. We shared a potluck fellowship meal and afterward we asked and answered questions about the Bible. After the bible study the couple sent me information about some of their beliefs from their church’s website. I was surprised at a date they claimed for the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s temple on the website. The Holy Spirit pricked my heart about this date, telling me there was more here than just a date. The Holy Spirit led me into an extensive bible study on this topic to find the facts about the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s temple. In my effort to reply to this couple about the date of Jerusalem and Solomon’s temple destruction, the Holy Spirit kept nudging my heart and showing me there was more to the story than just this date.

         In my study I found three different religious groups claiming a different date for the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s temple. As I tried to write a logical reply it grew from a simple reply letter into the book, “Times of the Gentiles.” Four years later I can present to you what the Lord put on my heart and what he has shown me about the times of the gentiles. There was one BIG event that everyone has missed and misinterpreted about Christ return through the years. Until our generation no one could have possibly tied these events together. In four years of research I have not found this connection of these two prophecy events anywhere. Some of the prophecies such as the coming of the messiah from Daniel have been correctly interpreted by many through the years. But there is much more to the story. God has shown how we can know for sure that God is in control of the events in history and through the scriptures God announce the timing of these events from his calendar and not man’s calendar. And to top it off, God has allowed secular historians to prove it for us.


       Watch for my new book, “Times of the Gentiles,” which should be released in June 2025.


       Here on the “Times of the Gentile Outreach” website my goal is to tell the amazing story of Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, from Genesis to Revelation in short understandable articles that tie the precepts of God and faith together without the big theological words that no one understands. In doing this I want to challenge everyone to test their faith and knowledge of God as Paul taught and challenged Timothy when he instructed Timothy and us to:

Larry Miller, sitting in front of a guitar with a blue background

“Study to shew (show) thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth (needs) not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

In the same way John told us to test each spirit and teaching because of false teachers that are in the world.


John Says;

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Test everything you read and study on this website to see if it is of God. And please let me know in your comments “Why and Where” in scriptures you think it is wrong. Challenge me to “rightly divide the word of God”. Thank you for visiting Times of the Gentiles Outreach Ministries. I hope and pray you will be challenged to be drawn by the spirit of God to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, first as your savior then continuing as Lord of your life, putting Jesus first in your life.


Yours in Christ,

Larry Miller

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