“Time of the Gentiles” new book by Larry Miller: Coming soon, June 2025 Click here to learn more.
Only in our generation has God made his plan of redemption so clear. There are more evidence of God’s hand at work in the lives of mankind now than any other time in history.

The Destruction of Jerusalem is an classic example of how God has given only our generation the Biblical accounts of history and the secular historians archaeology findings to be in absolute uniformity. This is just as God told Daniel in Daniel 12:9 “And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” I believe we are in this “time of the end.” My studies for this book show secular historians archaeology findings verify beyond a doubt these events are just as the Bible describes. Here are a few examples of what you will find revealed in my book “Times of the Gentiles.
“8 On the seventh day of the fifth month, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard, an official of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem.
9 He set fire to the temple of the Lord, the royal palace and all the houses of Jerusalem. Every important building he burned down.
10 The whole Babylonian army under the commander of the imperial guard broke down the walls around Jerusalem.” 2 Kings 25:8-10 NIV.
The Destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, When did it Happen?
Through the years there have been many that have put a date on this event. But three groups in our generation have staked a large part of their theology on this date. Evangelical Christians claim the date of 587 BC or 586 BC for the destruction of Jerusalem. The Jehovah’s Witnesses claim Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BC. Finally the Jews claim Jerusalem was destroyed in about 420 BC to 422 BC. They all cannot be correct!
Only in our generation could this date be positively verified. This book takes you on an Amazing walk through the events leading up “to and through” the exile of Judah. My main timeline cover the years from 608 BC to 420 BC showing every year. The timeline extends to the time of Jesus then on to 1948 AD the re-establishing of the nation of Israel. God made the importance of these stories very clear but not obvious as you will see when you read “Times of the Gentiles”.
When you read verses like, “1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. “ Daniel 1:1 NIV or the verse, “1 The word came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, which was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.” Jeremiah 25:1 NIV. Or, from the book of Ezekiel “1 In the ninth year, in the tenth month on the tenth day, the word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, record this date, this very date, because the king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem this very day.”” Ezekiel 24: 1-2. NIV Did you ever ask yourself; “What was the actual year these events happened and how can we be sure?” You can know for sure, and prove it for yourself with the knowledge gained from this study!
Through the years everyone has been totally enamored by Nebuchadnezzar to the point that they missed the most important people and events in Judah’s history, Necho King of Egypt and Josiah King of Judah. ”29 While Josiah was king, Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt went up to the Euphrates River to help the king of Assyria. King Josiah marched out to meet him in battle, but Necho faced him and killed him at Megiddo.” 2 Kings 23: 29 NIV. Continuing in verse thirty-three it says, ”33 Pharaoh Necho put him (Jehoahaz, clarity added) in chains at Riblah in the land of Hamath so that he might not reign in Jerusalem, and he imposed on Judah a levy of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 Pharaoh Necho made Eliakim son of Josiah king in place of his father Josiah and changed Eliakim’s name to Jehoiakim.” 2 Kings 23: 33-34 NIV
Nebuchadnezzar did not conquer Judah as a Jewish state! He conquered the Assyrian empire and their allies including Egypt who had already conquered Judah and has made it a puppet/vassal state installing the Judean king of Necho’s choice. With his siege and takeover of Jerusalem Nebuchadnezzar only continued control of Judah as a puppet/vassal state until he destroyed Jerusalem. The control of Judah and Jerusalem by the “Gentiles” began with Necho king of Egypt.
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the Great tree that was cut down represents the time period called the “Times of the Gentiles”. Jesus said his second coming was tied to the end of this period which He describes as follows; “24They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Luke 21:24 NIV
My book and timeline show these events are tied together in Daniel chapter 4 where Nebuchadnezzar was out of his kingdom seven years. In the same way the nation of Judah was under the control of the gentiles for the same prophetic period, (7 years X 365.24 days = 2556.68 years(one day equals a year according to prophetic dating)). My timeline will show that Necho took over Judah in 608 BC, then two thousand five hundred fifty-six years later (2556 – 608 = 1948) in 1948 AD Israel became a nation again just as God foretold through Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. This date locks in the Seventy weeks of Daniel, the 390 days and 40 days Ezekiel laid on his side for Israel and Judah, the coming of the “Anointed One”, four 70 year periods, and much more.
You will never read the Old Testament and the book of the prophets in the same way again. You will see that the stories and events are not about Nebuchadnezzar, Necho, Judah, or the Meads and Persians. The story is about Jesus, his first coming and his second coming. These and all the other stories, events and messages recorded in the Bible is God’s record of how He used faithful men and women and even the evil intents of wicked men, women and Satan to bring salvation to a lost, sinful and dying world. This message of repentance and returning to the one true God was given to the nation of Judah, and the nations that were conquering them. This plan of redemption has been offered to all generations and continues to us today through Jesus Christ.
All these nations and their kings thought they were mighty through their own strength and conquered in their own name and/or the name of their false gods. But, as Joseph told his brother’s “ …ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good…” Genesis 50:20 KJV. My timeline shows how God used the evil intentions of these nations for his good. “28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 KJV.
God has and is working all things for, “good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Are you one of those that “love God” and are “called according to his purpose.
Book release in June 2025.